Earn MONEY Just By Placing Ads...!!!! Now a days earning money online is not as easy as it was earlier. But but but.....if you are passionate and you are really into writing and stuff like this then you, my friend, are at the right place...✔️✔️ There are many ways to earn money online as long as you don't brake the laws, Here are some ways given below: Affiliated marketing. Online surveys. Create your own website. Creating your own blogs. Review websites. Online freelancing. and a lot more So today I going to tell you a method of earning money online. It's called blogging and for this you need to be really good at writing, your content must be strong. Also check my other blog about 10 DOs and DON'Ts for your first blog on the main page of my blogs.. www.sneakpeekaroundtheworld.blogspot.com So friends, there are few steps which you have to follow before you will start earning..... 1. Choose a platform: Ok..... so the very first th...