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Learn Qur'aanic verses.


Beautiful sisters and brothers..!
I am trying to create a channel for our young Muslim generation so that we can learn the teachings of Qur'an-e-Pak and know how to lead our life simply, perfectly and beautifully.
Firstly, I my self is also a student and not very old so this will be an open conversation for everyone to join and it will be a source of increase in our knowledge. I will be very honoured if the elder people will also join us.
"Today's Surah"

The Opening

We will begin with the first Surah of Qur'an-e-Pak which is Surah Al-Fatiha, Verses: 07.

  • The meaning of Fatiha is "The Opener".
  •  The word الفاتحة(Al-Fatiha) came from the root word فتح (Fatah) which means to open, explain, disclose, keys of treasure etc it is also known as Al-Ruqyah ("remedy" or "spiritual cure")
  • It is the first Surah/chapter of Qur'an-e-Pak and is sort of preface of Qur'an-e-Pak.
  • It is not confirmed that this Surah is Mecci(revealed in Mecca) or Medini(revealed in Medina).
*Quran and implies that this book is for a person who is a seeker of truth—a reader who is asking a deity who is the only one worthy of all praise (and is the creator, owner, sustainer of the worlds etc.) to guide him to a straight path.

Surah Al-Fatiha
Surah Al-Fatiha translation in English

1st Ayah/verse:

  • The first verse says: "Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds" 
First verse is pronounced as:

  • "Al Hamd u Lilah He Rabbil A'alameen".
It is ofcourse Arabic and very soft in pronounciation.

  • "Hamd" means "praise"
  • "Lilah"  means "for Allah"
  • "Rab" means "lord"
  • "A'alameen" means "worlds/whole universe and beyond universe"


This Ayah says that, All the praises to Allah, who is the lord of everything. Here the word 'Rab' is used which means lord/runner, lord is someone who rules, who knows everything about the specific creation and one is lord of something if he creates or discovers something.
Qur'aan was revealed around 1500 years ago and at that time no one knew anything like universes and galaxies but in this Ayah it is clearly said that ''Rabbil A'alameen", means lord/runner of worlds, here it is said worlds and not world.
So it is clear that in the very first verse of Qur'aan Allah Subhanahu WaTa'ala declared that this world is not it, there are huge universes and galaxies out there and Allah is the one who runs those worlds/creations.

2nd Ayah/verse:

  • The second verse says: "The beneficent The merciful"
This verse is pronounced as: 
"Ar Rehman-ir-Raheem" 

  • "Rahman" means 'Benignant/amic'
  • "Raheem" means 'The forgiver/merciful'
(These both are the names of Allah)


This Ayah indicates the nature of Allah Subhanahu WaTa'ala that he is beneficent and a forgiver.
This Ayah allows everyone either Muslim or non Muslim to return to Allah and ask forgiveness for their evil deeds as he(Allah) is Rehman and Raheem and he shall forgive and shower his blessings and bounties upon us.

Repent before its too late, a guide from Qur'an.

3rd Ayah/verse:

  • The third verse says: "Owner of day of judgment"
This verse is pronounced as: 


This Ayah says that Allah is the best judge. 
Basically, it says that whatever injustices and bad things happened to you in this world, Allah is seeing everything and on the day of judgment he will do justice for each and everything, now remember it includes everything and every deed of others' as well as your's too.
Whatever we will do wrong we will be treated according to it and by this Ayah Allah Subhanahu WaTa'ala is reminding us to go through our deeds once again and see if we are doing something wrong.
And remember, dear brothers and sisters, to treat everyone like you want to be treated on the day of judgment.
Forgive others and live happily even *scientists have given a research that people who forgive other have rather peaceful mind than those who don't.  

Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم once said:
When you go to bed, recite Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Ikhlas(Qul Hu Allha Hu Ahad), you come in protection from everything except death.
Surah Al-Fatiha translation in urdu

In his hadith collection Musnad Ahmad ibn HanbalAhmad ibn Hanbal recorded that Abu Sa`id bin Al-Mu`alla had said:
"I was praying when the Prophet called me, so I did not answer him until I finished the prayer. I then went to him and he said, What prevented you from coming?
I said, 'O Messenger of Allah! I was praying.'
He said, Didn't Allah say,
O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life.
He then said,
I will teach you the greatest Surah in the Qur'an before you leave the Masjid (Mosque).
He held my hand and when he was about to leave the Masjid, I said, O Messenger of Allah! You said: I will teach you the greatest Surah in the Qur'an.
He said,
Yes. Al-Hamdu lillahi Rabbil-`Alamin,It is the seven repeated (verses) and the Glorious Qur'an that I was given.
— Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

Dear readers if you know anything more about this Surah, or Ahadiths do let us know. 

"Fe Aman Allah"(may you come in Allahs' protection)


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