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99 Names of Allah (God)

99 Prestigious names of Allah (God)

In Qur'an, chapter 59, verse 24, Allah says,
He Allah the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heaven and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
See also: Repentance, a way to get close to Allah.... 
Beautiful brothers and sisters, Allah owns 99 prestigious names which are as follows:

1. الرَّحْمَنُ 

Al-Rahmaan(The Beneficent)

2. الرحيم

Al-Raheem (The most Merciful)
3. الملك
Al-Malik(The King)
4. القدوس
Al-Quddus(The most Holy)
As-Salam(The Ultimate Provider of Peace)
6. المؤمن
Al-Mu'min(The Guardian of Faith)
7. المهيمن
Al-Muhaymin(The Guardian, the Preserver)
8. العزيز
Al Aziz(The Almighty, the Self Sufficient)
9. الجبار
Al Jabbaar(The Compeller)
10. الْمُتَكَبِّرُ
Al Mutakabbir(The Dominant one)
11. الخالق
Al Khaaliq(The Creator)
12. البارئ
Al Baari(The Maker)

13. المصور
Al Musawwir(The Fashioner of Forms)

14. الغفار
Al Ghaffaar(The Ever-Forgiving)

15. القهار
Al Qahhaar(The All Subduer)

16. الوهاب
Al Wahhaab(The Bestower)

17. الرزاق
Ar Razzaaq(The Ever-Providing, The Sustainer)

18. الفتاح
Al Fattaah(The Ultimate Judge, The Opener of All Portals, the Victory Giver)

19. العليم
Al Alim(The All-Knowing, the Omniscient)

20. القابض
Al Qaabidh(The Restrainer, the Straightener)

21. الباسط
Al Baasit(The Expander, the Munificent)

22. الخافض
Al Khaafidh(The Abaser, The Demeanor)

23. الرافع
Ar Raafi'(The Exalter)

24. المعز
Al Mu'izz(The Giver of Honour)

Al Muzil(The Giver of Dishonor)

26. السميع
As Sami'(The All-Hearing)

27. البصير
Al Basir(The All-Seeing)

28. الحكم
Al Hakam(The Judge, the Ultimate Arbiter)

29. العدل
Al 'Adl(The Utterly Just)

30. اللطيف
Al Latif(The Kind)

31. الخبير
Al Khabir(The All-Aware)

32. الحليم
Al Halim(The Forbearer, The Indulgent)

33. العظيم
Al-‘Adheem(The Magnificent, the Infinite)

34. الغفور
Al Ghafur(The All-Forgiving)

35. الشكور
Ash Shakur(The Grateful)

36. العلي
Al Ali(The Sublimely Exalted)

37. الكبير
Al Kabir(The Great)

38. الحفيظ
Al Hafidh(The Preserver, The Protector)

39. المقيت
Al Muqit(The Nourisher)

40. الحسيب
Al Hasib(The Reckoner)

41. الجليل
Al Jalil(The Majestic)

42. الكريم
Al Karim(The Bountiful, the Generous)

43. الرقيب
Ar Raqib(The Watchful)

44. المجيب
Al Mujib(The Responsive, the Answerer)

45. الواسع
Al Wasi'(The Vast, the All Encompassing)

46. الحكيم
Al Hakim(The Wise)

47. الودود
Al Wadud(The Loving, the Kind One)

48. المجيد
Al Majid(The All Glorious)

49. الباعث
Al Ba'ith(The Raiser of the Dead)

Ash Shaheed(The Witness)

51. الحق
Al Haqq(The Truth, the Real)

52. الوكيل
Al Wakil(The Trustee, the Dependable)

53. القوي
Al Qawiyy(The Strong)

54. المتين
Al Mateen(The Firm, the Steadfast)

55. الولي
Al Wali(The Protecting Friend, Patron, and Supporter)

56. الحميد
Al Hamidu(The All Praise Worthy)

57. المحصي
Al Muhsi(The Accounter, The Numberer of All)

58. المبدئ
Al Mubdi(The Producer, Originator, and Initiator of all)

59. المعيد
Al Mu'id(The Reinstater Who Brings Back All)

60. المحيي
Al Muhyi(The Giver of Life)

61. المميت
Al Mumit(The Bringer of Death, the Destroyer)

Al Hayy(The Ever Living)

63. القيوم
Al Qayyum(The Self Subsisting Sustainer of All)

64. الواجد
Al Waajid(The Perceiver, the Finder, the Unfailing)

65. الماجد
Al Maajid(The Illustrious, the Magnificent)

66. الواحد
Al Waahid(The One, the All Inclusive, the Indivisible)

67. الاحد
Al Ahad(The One, the Indivisible)

68. الصمد
As Samad(The Everlasting,The Eternal Refuge)

69. القادر
Al Qaadir(The All-Capable, The Most Able, The Most Powerful)

70. المقتدر
Al Muqtadir(The All Determiner, the Dominant)

71. المقدم
Al Muqaddim(The Expediter, He who brings forward)

72. المؤخر
Al Mu'akhkhir(The Delayer, He who brings backwards)

73. الأول
Al Awwal(The First)

74. الآخر
Al Aakhir(The Last)

75. الظاهر
Az Dhaahir(The Manifest; the All Victorious)

76. الباطن
Al Baatin(The Hidden; the All Encompassing)

77. الوالي
Al Waali(The Patron)

78. المتعالي
Al Muta'ali(The Self Exalted)

79. البر
Al Barr(The Most Kind and Righteous)

80. التواب
At Tawwaab(The Ever-Pardoning, Ever Relenting)

81. المنتقم
Al Muntaqim(The Avenger)

82. العفو
Al 'Afuww(The Pardoner, The Forgiver)

Ar Ra'uf(The Clement, The Compassionate, The All-Pitying)

84. مالك الملك
Malik Al Mulk(The Owner of All Sovereignty)

85. ذو الجلال و الإكرام
Dhual Jalal wa Al Ikram(The Lord of Majesty and Generosity)

86. المقسط
Al Muqsit(The Equitable, the Requiter)

87. الجامع
Al Jaami'(The Gatherer, the Unifier)

88. الغني
Al Ghani(The All Rich, the Independent)

89. المغني
Al Mughni(The Enricher, the Emancipator)

Al Mani'(The Withholder, the Shielder, the Defender)

91. الضآر
Ad Dharr(The Distresser)

92. النافع
An Nafi'(The Propitious, the Benefactor)

93. النور
An Nur(The Light)

94. الهادي
Al Hadi(The Guide)

95. البديع
Al Badi'i(Incomparable, the Originator)

96. الباقي
Al Baaqi(The Ever Enduring and Immutable)

97. الوارث
Al Waarith(The Heir, the Inheritor of All)

98. الرشيد
Ar Rashid(The Guide, Infallible Teacher, and Knower)

99. الصبور
Al Saboor(The Forbearing, The Patient)


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